Sorry about that. Life got crazy with the holidays and a ton of family coming into town. Adam and I went back to work on January 4 and Darren started at daycare.
Wednesday marked Darren's 10 week mark! Last Friday he had his two month check up. The last time he was weighed and measured was when he was three weeks. At that time, he weighed 8lbs 5oz and was still measuring at 19.5 inches. Last week, he weighed in at 10lbs 5oz and measured 23.5 inches!!! Can't believe how much this little guy has been growing! He eats all the time, especially when he's home from school. He's been smiling more and more, and is alert much more than he is asleep. He has been sleeping through the night since he was 4 weeks old....we are truly blessed with a good little guy! We both love him so very much!
Here are some pics from the past month.
Sleeping on Thanksgiving morning while mom and dad prep dinner.
Mommy, Uncle Sam and Darren
Tarot snuggling with her boy.
Darren and Daddy after bath time (ducky towel provided by GeeGee and Great Papa)
Cousin Jason came to visit.
All bundled up to deliver goodies to the neighbors.
Hanging out
Mommy and Darren on Mommy's birthday
Christmas jammies
Bathtime at Grandmommy's house
First day of school
Puppy outfit
Happy boy
Darren and Mommy
Sucking his thumb
Smiley boy!
classic lemon curd tart
3 weeks ago
Wow, our great grandson is growing so well, and looking so handsome. We are really getting hitch-itch to come see him as we work out a plan. It's gonna happen, and long before Darren begins to walk!
We are going to steal some of your pictures, and hey -- they may end up on OUR blog for all our RVing friends to see.
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