Tomorrow I will officially start my second trimester! I can't believe it! Here's what the baby is in for this week:
Week 14 Of Pregnancy: Fetal Movement
If you could peek inside yourself now, you'd see a baby the size of your clenched fist (and come to think of it, at 14 weeks of fetal development, your little one can clench his or her own fist!). As fetal development continues, your baby also has the coordination, strength, and smarts to wiggle his or her fingers and toes and even suck a thumb (how cute is that?).
At 14 Weeks Pregnant, Your Baby is a Mover (But Not a Shaker Yet)
Growing by leaps and bounds, by week 14 of pregnancy, your baby is leaping and bounding. He or she is on the move almost constantly — and those movements are a far cry from those jerky twitches of last trimester (though you won't feel any of them for weeks to come). They are now ballet-like, smooth and fluid.
Your Baby at 14 Weeks: Developing Perfect Posture (or Better Posture, at Least)
Speaking of ballet, it'll be years before you'll start nagging your offspring to stand up straight — but unbelievably, he or she is doing it right now, without any prodding! No slouch anymore, your baby's neck is getting longer, helping his or her head stand more erect. This gives your 14-week-old fetus a more straightened-out appearance.
Your Little Bigfoot — A Hairy Baby at 14 Weeks
Growth is happening on top of the head as well — by 14 weeks pregnant, your baby could be sprouting some hair (though the final color may not be determined until birth) and the eyebrows are filling in, too.
Hair growth isn't limited to the baby's head, though. He or she is also covered with a downy coating of hair called lanugo, largely there for warmth. As fat accumulates later on in your pregnancy (the baby's fat, not yours — though that will accumulate, too), most of the lanugo will shed — though some babies, especially those born early, still have a fuzzy coating at delivery (it sheds soon afterward).
And here is what I'm in for this week:
Week 14 of Pregnancy: Second Trimester Is Here
Second trimester is typically an easier time — your first trimester worries are waning and morning sickness is finally letting up. Your uterus is expanding and you may even start showing! One side effect of your uterine expansion could be achy or sharp pregnancy cramps on one or both sides of your abdomen — known as "round ligament pain" in the obstetrical business.
The Second Trimester: Pregnant and Loving It!
Great news! At 14 weeks pregnant, you're starting your second trimester — (almost) every pregnant woman's favorite — and for good reason. With many first trimester pregnancy woes waning, you're most likely feeling a bit peppier and a lot more human.
You may also be starting to show (if you haven't already). That's because your uterus is finally rising out of the pelvic region and into your lower abdomen. You might even be able to feel the top of your uterus (the fundus) if you press down right above your pelvic bone in your lower abdomen. How cool is that?
Even cooler is the fact that it may be time to start hitting those maternity boutiques, because you're finally starting to look pregnant — not just like you've eaten too much for lunch.
Dealing with Round Ligament Pain: Another (Good) Excuse to Kick Back
For some women, a possible side effect of uterine growth is what your OB-GYN would call round ligament pain. Basically, these are pregnancy growing pains that feel like achy or sharp pains on one or both sides of the abdomen. These begin to appear around 14 weeks, but they can strike at any time during the second trimester.
Here's why these pains in the abdomen happen during pregnancy: The uterus is supported by thick bands of ligaments that run from the groin up the side of the abdomen (like the lines of that high-cut bikini bottom you've probably had to pack away by now). As your uterus grows, the supporting ligaments stretch and thin out to accommodate the increasing weight. This weight pulls on the ligaments and causes a sharp pain or a dull ache in your lower abdomen.
The pain is often more noticeable when you change positions suddenly or get up from sitting or lying down, or when you cough. The best way to bring relief? Put your feet up and rest in a comfortable position — that should ease the strain, and the pain.
That's what the Boss and I have going on starting tomorrow! What do you all have going on?
classic lemon curd tart
3 weeks ago
Congratulations hun! Thank you for sharing your thoughts - I love your blog. I just had my first baby - 19.5 hour labour, very exhausting, but my little man came in weighing a healthy 7.7lbs. It was a nightmare delivery (tore both ways!) to be honest, maybe thats because he's my first! I had an epidural after 15 hours but his head wouldn't move down so they had to assist. I was pretty worried that he wouldn't latch on because of the epidural, but he seems to be feeding fine and I am a very proud and happy mother of Marlow. You should share your blog/story with all the other mummies at I know they would love it! xxx
Goodness! For a soon-to-be great grandfather, that was almost TMI! But Great Gramma loved it!
Congratulations, Nanee! Here's to celebrating many more happy milestones with this sweet baby!
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